Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Warm Welcome to Josh

Just want to post a warm SLCSD welcome to the newest member of our Tech Team, Josh Hayden, who comes from Bode, IA. He's been here a week and unboxed, asset tagged, imaged and deployed almost 140 devices already. In addition, he's making himself at home in an office I'm ashamed to say needed some tender loving care and sorting. (This is what happens when the Tech Dept. gets behind!)

We look forward to offering students, teachers, and other staff members the very best support we possible can as they use technology for learning, creating, communicating, and just plain getting work done.

Welcome aboard, Josh. Justin, Kim and I are so excited to have you as a part of our team!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Go, Tornadoes!

It's Homecoming week here at the Storm Lake Community School District, and if that doesn't make you proud that you are a Tornado, I don't know what will. From a home Cross Country meet, to a home Volleyball game, to a super fired up crowd at Coronation last night, excitement is everywhere. Old and young alike are enjoying themed dress days. Students are building floats and preparing to ride in the parade. The band is rocking the house and the field every chance they get. Cheerleaders are jumping and cheering and visiting every school to fire the students up. Dancers are dancing, and teachers are singing.

I've always believed that the most important way to increase learning of both our students and our staff members is to build relationships of all kinds. Friendships between students. Mentor/student relationships between teachers and students. Coaching/athlete relationships. Staff member relationships with one another. Parent relationships with the school community. The Storm Lake community involved in and taking personal responsibility for the success of the schools.

It's a huge team effort that requires each and every one of us to invest our energies in being productive, caring members of the Storm Lake Community Schools family. I'm feeling that connection this week, and there's honestly nowhere I'd rather be. I hope our students can say the same thing, because that sense of belonging is so very important to the learning process.

Go, Tornadoes!