While we've done lots of professional development over the past couple of years on integrating technology in curriculum, we are just so excited about our upcoming all-district educational technology professional development day! It's the first time since I've been here that we've brought teachers from all over the district together to work with technology together. From 8:00 to 4:00 at the high school on January 4, 2012, we will be working with all of our district teachers to both learn more about various educational technologies for use by students in the classroom, but also to work collaboratively with other teachers and AEA experts on educational technology projects that will be implemented in classrooms across the district this spring.

Almost all of our teachers from all over the district are doing very creative things with technology for learning in their classrooms. The next step then is to expand the educational technology knowledge of all our teachers by giving them the opportunity to work together and learn from one another. Those who use Skype can help others use Skype. Those who use their SMARTBoards as student centers in their classroom can show others what that looks like. Those with classroom websites that students access regularly will help others create or expand their own classroom websites. Some will create classroom projects based on curriculum that will have students creating websites or presentations of various kinds themselves.
Take a look at the schedule:
Educational Technology Professional Development January 4 Schedule
While teachers may choose to work on their classroom websites or blogs, or decide to create a Moodle online component to their curriculum, or learn to use the SMARTBoard better, the ultimate focus of the professional development is how to help students use technology to learn. It's easy to use technology tools to teach like we've always taught. It takes a lot more time and effort to put the technologies in the hands of the students and let them become co-directors of their learning. We have spent a great deal of time and money on equipping the district with lots of different technologies for student use, and we want to give teachers more skills and knowledge to use technologies with students in ways they maybe never even thought about before.
Thanks so much to our teachers and AEA representatives who have agreed to facilitate this day of learning!
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