As was stated by Supertintendent Carl Turner, the power of our school district is that the goal of all of us who work here is always apparent, and that is:
What's best for kids.
What I know is this: While most days are truly filled with collaboration and teamwork, there are some days when we have to fight to be heard. There are some days when we disagree with how to get where we're going. And, there are some days when we become temporarily disheartened. However, our power lies in that we, as the SLCSD family, are tenacious; and we get up every day with renewed vows to work even harder to fight the good fight for our students and their families. As one of the retirees, Janet Anderson, said:
We are all Tornadoes.
For that I am proud. Good luck to those who are leaving us. Thank you for your many years of service to the Storm Lake students and their families. And, to those who are sticking around:
Let's make next year even better.
Right on, Sarah!